Turyaa Chennai, renowned for seamlessly blending business with leisure, recently held a gastronomic spectacle to mark its entrance into the tenth year of operations. The event, dubbed ‘Decade of Deliciousness’, featured the creation of a record-breaking 10-foot pizza, the largest ever in India. This celebration was a tribute to nine years of exceptional service, innovation, and community engagement in the vibrant city of Chennai.
The milestone event was held on May 15, 2024, at MISTA, Turyaa Chennai’s chic café lounge. Spearheaded by the General Manager, Krishan Kodippili, this festivity attracted food enthusiasts and notable Chennai influencers, who actively participated in the pizza-making celebration.
“Stepping into our tenth year, we at Turyaa Chennai are thrilled to celebrate this journey with an event that symbolises our growth and the vibrant spirit of Chennai,” said Mr. Kodippili. “The ‘Decade of Deliciousness’ is not just a celebration of Turyaa’s past but also a toast to the future, as we continue to elevate the hospitality for which we are known.”
Turyaa Chennai offers an array of sophisticated amenities designed to cater to both discerning business clients and leisure travellers. With well-appointed rooms, diverse dining options such as the all-day SVAR buffet, rooftop delights at SMASA, and the vibrant TWIST lounge bar, the hotel ensures a memorable stay for all guests. Additional facilities include luxurious banquet halls, contemporary meeting spaces, an indulgent Ayu Spa, an infinity pool, and a fully equipped gym.