Google Maps now seamlessly redirects users to India’s official map when they search for “Bharat” in the search bar. This update signifies Google’s inclusion of India’s alternative name in its vast and widely-used map database. Consequently, individuals around the world can employ either “India” or “Bharat” as search terms within Google Maps to access the country’s official map.
These modifications to Google Maps follow closely in the wake of the Government of India’s use of the term “President of Bharat” in lieu of “President of India” within G20 dinner invitations a few weeks ago. This development serves to underscore the constitutional recognition of both “India” and “Bharat” as valid appellations for the nation, as explicitly stipulated in Article 1 of the Indian Constitution: “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”
A user needs to type “Bharat” in the search box of Google Maps and give a space to see the country name with the flag, and upon clicking the results, the user will redirected to the official Indian map.