Residents asked to watch for their City of Toronto 2023 waste collection schedule
Residents in single-family homes will receive their 2023 waste collection schedule as part of their upcoming City of Toronto utility bill. The City is asking residents to watch for their schedule and to keep it for reference. The collection schedule will be the last page of the utility bill and will feature information about proper waste set out on the back.
The majority of residents will receive their schedule as part of a utility bill between September and the end of December. Those who do not receive utility bills to their home or are not scheduled to get a utility bill before the end of the year, will have their collection schedule mailed to them separately. All utility bills and separate mailings that include a collection schedule will have a note on the back of the envelope indicating that the schedule is inside.
A separate condensed Waste Management Guide will also be mailed to single-family and multi-residential households by the end of this year. The Guide will include information about proper waste sorting, waste reduction and City Drop-Off Depots.
The City recognizes that people consume information in different ways and formats and remains committed to providing key waste information to residents through a variety of channels. In addition to being provided in print, collection schedules and information about proper waste set out and sorting, waste reduction and Drop-Off Depots is available via the City’s Recycling, Organics & Garbage web page or by calling 311.
Residents can also access their collection schedules and get reminders about what waste to set out when with the TOwaste app which is free to download and available for iOS and Android devices. The easy-to-use app also features the Waste Wizard as well as where to find the closest City Drop-Off Depot and locations to donate items for reuse.
Additionally, the City provides residents with waste management information through public education campaigns, social media, media materials, City newsletters and various outreach and stakeholder engagement activities.
More information is available on the City’s Waste Management Guide & Collection Schedule web page.
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