The joyous and uplifting dramedy SHALOM TAIWAN follows the misadventures of a Rabbi who travels the world in search of donations to save his synagogue. The charismatic Fabian Rosenthal is compelling as the Chaplin-esque Rabbi Aaron on an international and transformational quest.
Rabbi Aaron secretly borrowed a large amount of money so his small neighborhood synagogue in Buenos Aires could continue providing generous support to the needy. Now years later, the unpaid debt has finally caught up with him, as the lender demands full repayment or he’ll seize the synagogue as his property. None of the Rabbi’s clever and optimistic efforts to seek financial assistance prove very successful. Cornered and running out of time, he tries a last-ditch effort by embarking on a trip to Taiwan to secure much-needed donations. What follows is a delightful journey of epiphanies. humor and soulfulness that imparts values of community spirit, family, and hope.
About the Director:
Walter Tejblum is a writer, producer, and director based in Argentina. He has produced and directed many critically praised films, including Malka, una chica de la Zwi Migdal (2014). Shalom Taiwan is Walter’s narrative feature film debut.
Awards and Festivals
Seattle Jewish Film Festival
Toronto Jewish Film Festival
Vancouver Jewish Film Festival