Today, Premier Doug Ford issued the following statement to mark Remembrance Day:
“Every November, on the eleventh day of the month, Ontarians pause to honour the women and men who have served and currently serve in our Canadian armed forces, including those who gave their lives for our rights and freedoms.
These heroes, who made the ultimate sacrifice, defended our values on the frontlines of world wars, international conflicts and peacekeeping missions. They courageously stepped into harm’s way, so others wouldn’t have to. We owe them a debt of gratitude that we can never repay.
To those serving today, we recognize the hardships you and your families face, particularly those deployed overseas or away from their homes. We’re so grateful for your bravery, your sacrifices and your service to our country.
This year, on this Remembrance Day, we’re also mindful of the ongoing conflicts around the world, including the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. While we pray for lasting peace in these regions, these conflicts remind us that our freedom and safety should never be taken for granted.
So today, I encourage all Ontarians to take some time and pay tribute to our heroes of yesterday and today.
May God bless our women and men in the Canadian armed services.”