A few days ago, businessman Lalit Modi took the internet by storm by announcing actor Sushmita Sen as his ‘better half’. He shared several pictures with the actress on his official social media accounts and announced that they are dating. But, Sushmita Sen has been getting trolled on the internet with sexist words, being called a gold digger and more. Responding to the same, Sushmita took to her Instagram on Sunday to call out people for slamming her and monetising her life.
Sharing a picture in a black swimsuit from her Maldives vacation, Sushmita Sen wrote, “Perfectly centred in my being & my conscience…I love how nature merges all it’s creation to experience oneness…and just how divided we are, when we break that balance. It’s heartbreaking to see just how miserable & unhappy the world around us is becoming. The so called intellectuals with their idiosyncrasies….the ignorant with their cheap & at times funny gossip. The friends I never had & the acquaintances I’ve never met….all sharing their grand opinions & deep knowledge of my life & character…monetising the ‘Gold Digger’ all the way!!! Ah these geniuses!!!”
Source: Bollywood Hungama