After Mohanlal starrer Drishyam 2 accolades and good reviews, Ajay Devgn and Tabu will reunite for the sequel to their suspense thriller by the same name. The actor, who made the character Vijay Salgaonkar iconic, will be reprising the said role for the sequel whereas Tabu will be seen as IG Meera Deshmukh. With Ishita Dutta and Shriya Saran as Ajay’s daughter and wife respectively, the film will release on November 18, 2022.
While the sequel will retain most of its older star cast, this one is expected to include popular actor Akshaye Khanna in a pivotal role. A source close to the film said, “Indian Cinema’s much-celebrated character is all set to take us on yet another thrilling journey this year on 18th November. Promising to take it notches higher in thrill, drama and excitement, this sequel will take Vijay and his family’s story beyond imagination.” The team will wrap the film shoot today in Hyderabad.
Source: Bollywood Hungama