Several bollywood actors took to social media to celebrate Father’s Day. Anushka Sharma, Ajay Devgn, Shweta Bachchan and many others shared pictures and messages on Twitter, Instagram etc.
Madhuri Dixit shared a picture with husband Shriram Nene and their sons, Arin and Ryan. She wrote, “A father is a tough shield that protects his kids. Come what may, he will always go great lengths to protect them, but also teach them the lessons that nobody else can. Happy Father’s Day to the world’s best dad! Our boys are slowly growing into the young gentlemen we always envisioned.”
Shweta captioned their selfie, “Rishtey mein toh sirf mere lagte hai (He is all mine). Anushka Sharma, too, shared a picture of her father on her Instagram Stories. In the photo, her father, Ajay Kumar Sharma seems to be engrossed in his mobile phone.
Actor Ajay Devgn shared an unseen picture with his son Yug Devgn from a film set. Talking about his childhood with his late father, filmmaker Veeru Devgn, he wrote, “It’s moments like these that take me back to the days when Papa used to be the one behind the camera as I curiously peeked from the sides. Trying to absorb his love for filmmaking as much as I could.” An hour later, he tweeted, “Happy Father’s Day to Shomuji (Kajol’s father). I’m marking your birth anniversary today with a special thought & a prayer. Your presence is missed each day.”
Happy Father’s Day to all superhero Dads out there!